Loneliness Awareness Week commenced on the 14th June to 18th June, with an aim of highlighting isolation and loneliness awareness within the community.
During the past year, the Foundation has worked to support participants to reduce isolation and loneliness.
Loneliness Awareness Week is more important than ever due to the pandemic, as it has highlighted the importance of social interaction and mental health.
To support this week, we alongside all our normal sessions in and around the community, delivered some additional sessions, to highlight the importance of supporting one another and reducing isolation in the community.
On Monday, the hottest day so far of the 2021, we hosted a ‘Walk & Talk’ session around Ifield Mill Pond from 1pm – 2:30pm, for participants to get out and enjoy the sunshine in a group.
That morning we also ran a special Book Club session from 10am – 11am where participants gave recommendations of self-help books and stories of friendship and overcoming loneliness.
For most of the week, our usual sessions followed the theme of loneliness and highlighting the importance of looking out for those in the community or closest to you.
On Wednesday, our Move the Goalpost session was extended for an extra half our from 2:30pm to 4:00pm. This programme is a mental wellbeing football session for those experiencing or at risk of experiencing mental health difficulties and is open to all. At this session we delivered tournaments, alongside activities highlighting loneliness awareness and teamwork.
Adrian joined our Tackling Loneliness Together programme during the pandemic, after finding out about our support network at Crawley Town through a mutual friend.
“Crawley Town have provided me with someone to talk to and the support I needed during the isolation. Being able to talk to people keeps me connected and calm.
It has also given me something to look forward to and focus on during the week. I have been able to also meet like-minded people and share support with everyone on the session.”
Louise was referred to us by a partner organisation to our Tackling Loneliness Together programme to give her some extra support with her mental health during the pandemic.
“It’s nice to be able to talk to someone weekly, otherwise I wouldn’t have been speaking to anyone through this period and it has really helped me mentally having someone to communicate with. It’s nice to know someone is there and will listen to me.
This programme is so important to me, if I am having a back week, I have someone there to talk to and support me with how I am feeling.”
Throughout lockdown and with the addition of Tackling Loneliness Together, the Community Development team, at Crawley Town Community Foundation have been working hard to support everyone equally to ensure they don’t feel isolated in this difficult time. Keeping in contact with them and delivering virtual sessions has been the best form of support.
To find out more about how we can support you, visit our website today –