The Community Development team have been working hard to make sure they look out for all their past participants during lockdown.
They have been working closely with the Extra Time Hubs (a programme for over 55s) hosting virtual coffee mornings twice a week with activities including quizzes, seated exercised and Sporting Memories.
Alongside this, the team have started to launch different activities for the Premier League Kicks participants.
In the most recent weeks, they have run 3 FIFA tournaments for PS4 and Xbox participants, getting young people aged 13 – 18 years to join in with the tournaments and share it with their friends. We have also been using these sessions working closely with Crawley youth services to try and get those young people involved as well.
This will be an ongoing fixture in the lockdown activities because of the popularity with participants.
The team have also been working closely with Audio Active to set up some online DJ workshops, so they can learn the basics of DJing through Zoom.
We are also developing a range of Instagram activities, as this is the most used platform for the Premier League Kicks age bracket, these activities will be launched over the next few weeks with big prizes up for grabs.
If you’re are interested in any of the programmes Community Development are running, please DM or email us your interest visit our website -
Or Contact us via email –
Stay up to date on our Covid-19 messages online through our social media channels:
Extra Time Hubs -
Facebook: Crawley Town Extra Time Hubs
Premier League Kicks-
Twitter: @CrawleyTownCF
Instagram: @CrawleyTownCF
Our Schools and Football Development team have also been working hard to make sure developing different ways to help their participants.
This includes, sending out packs to our Elite & Development, Mini Reds & Saturday Soccer Centres participants to bring the training to them, keeping them active throughout the lockdown period.
Currently we have been delivering PSHE/ Targeted intervention sessions to our U10 Elite and Development players.
Some of the topics so far have included, PLPS sessions ‘My Wellbeing’ and ‘My Goals’. The participants have been taking part in activities such as group discussion, PLPS worksheets, creating newspaper articles and setting their own isolation & future goals.
This has all been done via Zoom calls, creating a classroom environment. These lessons last around 45 minutes every Monday and Friday.
Stay up to date on our Covid-19 messages online through our social media channels:
Facebook: Crawley Town Community Foundation
Twitter: @CrawleyTownCF
Instagram: @CrawleyTownCF
