On Friday 20th August, we were delighted to welcome back our Extra Time Hubs members to The People’s Pension stadium, for our first full face-to-face hubs morning since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020.
With plans to launch the programme back to face-to-face delivery on Friday 3rd September, the event enabled staff to meet with members and get them comfortable coming back to the stadium, with participants having the opportunity to come and see people they haven’t seen for quite some time.
Throughout the event we had our normal games & activities including Walking Football, Pool and card games. We also asked the participants for how they see the Hubs developing in the next year as we are looking to grow and expand all of our programmes as much as possible to support the Crawley community.
We were also joined by the Crawley Wellbeing team, who conducted Free MOTs (health checks) for our participants, who were able to receive information, advice and guidance on health and wellbeing.
As part of the Extra Time Hubs Coffee Morning, the participants were also joined by Crawley Town FC First Team players, Nick Tsaroulla, Davide Rodari and Dannie Bulman who took part in the indoor activities, as well as taking part in our Walking Football session.
Extra Time Hubs is aimed at those 55+ and focuses on increasing physical activity and reducing levels of social isolation and loneliness within the community. We have included activities including quizzes, seated Pilates, table tennis, walking football,
board games and regular health checks.
Refreshments such as tea, coffee and biscuits are always available, along with welcoming staff ready to support everyone who attends our Extra Time Hub. The cost is £3 per week, with your first session FREE.
If you are interested, come and join us at Crawley Town FC’s, The People’s Pension Stadium from the 3rd September, 11.30am – 1.30pm
For more information, contact us on 01293 410000 ext 4 or register your interest today - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeiIl3wrdA4as2JVC-eVZHV70GWic5B5BDpdI-1UMUp1e1kjg/viewform
